Welcome, foolish mortals, to another edition of our yearly spoOooOOooky board games list to make sure your Halloween season is thoroughly creep-tastic.
If you haven’t already, check out our previous lists, 13 More Spooky Games to Play for Halloween and 9 Spooky Board Games to Play for a Horror-ble Halloween, for even more frightening fun!
Now, without further ado, let’s get to this year’s deadly entertaining list of 13 creepy board games to haunt your nightmares…or at least your game nights.

1. Betrayal at House on the Hill (3rd Edition)
We have to lead off with this update of the popular semi-cooperative discovery and survival game Betrayal at House on the Hill. As Tony’s favorite game, we had to give this new third edition this year’s top billing. With plenty of new scenarios, updated rules, reworked gameplay, and improved game pieces, it’s almost like playing an entirely new game. The new edition is definitely worth playing and very deserving of a spot on our spooky list.

2. Haunted Mansion: Call of the Spirits
From a haunted house to a haunted mansion, this game based on the famous Disney Parks Haunted Mansion ride is lighter on the creep while still containing plenty of spooks. Explore the mansion and socialize with friendly ghosts to gain points, but watch out for haunt cards and the hitchhiking ghosts. The most haunted player will lose points. Frightful fun for the whole family.

3. Blood on the Clocktower
A new social-deduction, bluffing game in the style of One Night Ultimate Werewolf. Take on a character role and try to hunt down the demon and minions that are killing off townsfolk OR become the embodiment of evil yourself! Don’t worry, even if you die, you’ll still get the chance to help from beyond the grave. It’s the perfect game for your spooky season party.

4. Pumpkin Patch Bad Seeds
Collect seeds, plant pumpkins, and thwart your fellow gourd growers to avoid bad seeds and end the game with the most victory points. This simple, fun, card-based game is a great choice if you love your pumpkin patches with just a hint of spookiness.

5. Phantom Ink
Kind of like 20 questions…except with ghosts and mediums. You and your teammates are mediums trying to guess a secret object while a spirit helps to lead you to the correct answer. Turn off the lights and light some candles – you’ll feel like you’re in a real seance minus the risk of possession.

6. The Thing: The Boardgame
Based on the 80’s cult horror movie of the same name, this hidden roles game is equal parts creepy and psychological. Those playing humans try to keep the base running until they escape while the person playing The Thing tries to sabotage, infect, and deceive their way to victory. It’s like a board game Among Us!

7. ALIEN: Fate of the Nostromo
Trade your base for a spaceship and you have ALIEN: Fate of the Nostromo. You’re a crew member on board the Nostromo, but you’re not alone. Scavenge, craft, and complete missions in order to escape before the Alien puts a quick end to your plans. Just remember, in space, no one can hear you scream.

8. Hocus Pocus
This cooperative game based on the Disney cult classic will definitely put a spell on you. See what we did there? Similar to the movie, your goal is to ruin the Sanderson Sisters’ plans before the sun rises by avoiding the witches and spoiling their potion. So fun you’ll want to run amuck.

9. Mixtape Massacre: Escape from Tall Oaks
The perfect game for fans of classic horror slasher flicks like Halloween and Friday the 13th. In Mixtape Massacre: Escape from Tall Oaks, you’re trying to do as the title says – escape town while rescuing villagers and avoiding the killers to make sure you don’t end up at the wrong end of a pointy object.

10. Zombie Kittens
Fans of Exploding Kittens will love Zombie Kittens which can be played as an add-on or a standalone game. In this push-your-luck game, your fun doesn’t end when your kitty explodes – instead, you get to keep your cards to torment other players or even get back into the game to win. Two decomposing paws up.

11. Psycho Killer
Another slasher-inspired game, Psycho Killer is a hand-management card game that pits players against each other to end up with the fewest injuries from the killers. Gather and use weapons to defend from attacks and survive with all (or at least most) of your limbs intact.

12. Shadows in the Forest
This game from the 80s with a more modern remake is meant to be played in the dark. How creepy is that? One player moves a lantern (casting real light) around the board while the rest of the players take on the role of Shadowlings trying to avoid the light and stay in the shadow. 3D trees on the board help to cast shadows and provide additional cover. It’s a family-fun twist on your usual game night games.

13. Final Girl
There’s no better way to end a list of creepy games than with Final Girl. In this solo game, you take on the role of the classic final girl female protagonist fighting to survive and escape a pursuing slasher. With multiple add-on scenarios providing tons of characters and killers to choose from, you can live out your final girl fantasy over and over again. Jamie Lee Curtis would be so proud.